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FORUM / Games / Prince of Persia The Snads of Time  
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Here, a cutscene ensues - you see Farah bathing, and invites Prince to join her.
Prince takes off his sword and dagger; and joins her in the bath. And enough!
I want tell u any more discover it yourself.

Any question E-mail me
Ghazi Makki (Zerox)

Original Prince of Persia level:
Submitted by: AiMeR

You can play the level from the original Prince of Persia game.
All you have to do is:
When you start a new game you begin on a balcony DON'T go in, then
hold "x" and press "space",left mouse, "e","c","e","space",left mouse, "C".

prince persia the snads time here, cutscene ensues you see farah bathing, and invites prince join


pus acum 18 ani
Pagini: 1  
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