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WarCraft 3 - Reign of Chaos
Cheatmode: ---------- Update by: bashaer Update by: derek Fercher Update by: zz_boi Update by: Slowpoke Update by: Sheikh M. Aminllah Update by: Ice Man Update by: BJ Update by: Gareth Homewood Update by: John Hallvard Submitted by: Haspa
Press [ENTER] while playing to bring up the message dialog box. Type the following codes in the box, then press [ENTER] again to activate. If successful, the message "CHEAT ENABLED" will appear on the screen.
Code Result ----------------------------------- WarpTen - Speeds construction of buildings and units IocainePowder - Fast Death/Decay WhosYourDaddy - God mode KeyserSoze [amount] - Gives you X Gold LeafitToMe [amount] - Gives you X Lumber GreedIsGood [amount] - Gives you X Gold and Lumber PointBreak - Removes food limit ThereIsNoSpoon - Unlimited Mana StrengthAndHonor - No defeat Motherland [race] level] - level jump SomebodySetUpUsThBomb - Instant defeat AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs - Instant victory WhoIsJohnGalt - Enable research SharpAndShiny - Research upgrades IseeDeadPeople - Remove fog of war Synergy - Disable tech tree requirements RiseAndShine - Set time of day to dawn LightsOut - Set time of day to dusk DayLightSavings [time] - If a time is specified, time of day is set to that, otherwise time of day is alternately halted/resumed TheDudeAbides - Fast cooldown whosyourdaddy-One - hit kills & Unlim. HP strengthandhonor - Keep playing after losing in Campaign mode greedisgood 10000 - 10000 gold and lumber keysersoze 1000 - 1000 gold leafittome 100 - 100 lumber daylightsavings 18:00 - Set time of day to 18:00 daylightsavings - Toggle daylight progression itvexesme - Disable victory conditions Greedisgood 999999 - All reasource 999999 Iseedeadpeople - reveals all the map
IMPORTANT!!!: ------------- Submitted by: abel
CHEAT UPDATE:the "whosyourdaddy" cheat DOES NOT GIVE 1-HIT KILLS!!! but it does multiply your damage by 100, which usually kills units, unless you are using a worker and attacking a hero. it also destroys buildings (again) unless the building is high hp and you are using a weak unit to attack it.
olderCheatmode: --------------- Press [ENTER] while playing to bring up the message dialog box. Type the following codes in the box, then press [ENTER] again to activate. If successful, the message "CHEAT ENABLED" will appear on the screen.
Code Result ---------------------------------- Iseedeadpeople - Full map allyourbasearebelongtous - Instant victory somebodysetupusthebomb - Instant defeat thereisnospoon - Unlimited mana whosyourdaddy - Invicible GREEDISGOOD - GIVES GOLD AND WOOD
Gametip: -------- Submitted by: arun prakash
Here are two great trainers for warcraft 3:- To download warcraft 3 +6 trainer copy and paste this in your brouser:
To download warcraft 3(mission unloacker) pl copy and paste this in your brouser:-
For everything else pl goto my site:-
ind the enemy with out cheating: --------------------------------- Submitted by:arun prakash
If you think you beat the level but it wont say it most likely there is one more thing out there. if you press Tab[on the key board]the map will turn black and the enemy will turn their color. Therefore it will be easy to spot the enemy.
Hints: ------ Submitted by: Hassan
If you are playing with the undead your best way to win is to build from 4-8 dragons with the ice ability and attach your enemy's base. Granteed to give results.If you are attacking with a normal army always have a pitfiend by your side with the web ability cause none of your ground units can attack in air.
If you are playing with the human the best way to win is to make a combination of riflemen(with the long rifle ability) and knights(with the animal training ability). That way your can kill on land and air. The riflemen are very strong so if you use them in the right way you can't be defeated.
If you are playing with the Orcs your best offence is to attack with a couple bulls and raiders, cause the raiders can bring down any fly creature and the bulls can POUND them. By the way the orcs have the most powerful hand to hand units.
If you are playing with the night elves your best offence is to attack with 6-12 chymaras(with the corosive ability). The night elves are ranged units all in all so always have a comination of every thing, for the hunters can hit multiple targets and the archers have long ranges ....
Extra movie: ------------ Submitted by: Dj Simo
Beat the game on Hard to get a very short clip of StarCraft 2 characters running under the WarCraft III engine. It takes place after the football sequence in the end credits.
Another extra movie: -------------------- Submitted by: Dj Simo
If you have beaten the game on both Normal and Hard, click 'Credits' at the Main Menu screen to see another short StarCraft 2 sequence.
Hydralisk Easter Egg: --------------------- Submitted by: Dj Simo
A Hydralisk can be found in the second mission in the Night Elves Campaign (Daughters of the Moon). Use the cheat iseedeadpeople to reveal the map. Then scroll to the top right...the grey dot found between some trees is the Hydralisk. It will join you in your fight.
Play As The High Elves: ----------------------- Submitted by: Dj Simo
On chapter five of the Undead campaign, "Fall of Silvermoon", stop the runners and destroy the High Elf base on the upper region of the map. After you do this, you will be able to use the Banshee. Fight your way into the lower High Elf base, and use the Banshee's Possesion on a High Elf peasent. You can then use the peasant to build a High Elf base, allowing you to build all their units, and access all three human heroes.
Exploding critters: ------------------- Submitted by: Dj Simo
Keep clicking on critters to make them explode.
Gametip: -------- Submitted by: joy.alegria Download a cool map pack with 9 maps in it at:
warcraft 3 world editor: ------------------------ Submitted by: Brad Jensen
The chat room gem! We all remeber the chat room gem from diablo 2. And how it was said to do something no one knows. Well in the world editor... if you look at the scrol bars... Where they meet... ITS BACK! But... I know what it dose! In the world editor, This weird gem when green dose NOTHING! Click it a lot and it will play a sound. But... THERES MORE! When the gem is purple killing or selecting some units will make them play the aproprite sound. For example taurn cheiftn VOICED units when deleted will play the taurn death sound. Also When its purple it plays out animations. So deleting a unit will "Kill" the unit.
Hint: ----- Submitted by: mike
when on the mission in the night elf campeign where your in the cave to free illidan right by the entrace there is a huge panda lvl 10 us the whosyourdaddy cheat and whith the druid gut summon traents from the mushrooms then fight it it has a manual of health and it funny there also a secret flash you get
Cheat: ------ Submitted by: the toad head
this cheat is kind kind or a walk through/tip but on orc the best strategy is to mass 11 to 23 grunts and 11 to 23 shaman and a far seer and a blademaster warning: u will need i repeat need to upgrade ur shamen to master training so they can get blood lust or they suck like anything,oh and make sure blood lust is on auto-cast or this wont work for and random heroes should be turned off. and finally, the grunt amount and the shaman amount should be exactly the same eg.11grunts and 11 shaman now if this works for you email me and ill make a walkthrough cos i think i might be OK at warcraft so, siya now!
Hint: ----- Submitted by: Muntean Andrei
At The custom level, were you must destroy the Monoliths, Tipe the Code "-creepmeout" With This sign "-" two, and all of your buildings will be destroyed, and you will be the Monolith Monsters.
pus acum 19 ani |